
Friday, May 1, 2015

Announcement - At last I have...


Hello everyone,

Today I bring you a sort of quick but very important announcement. Not just any announcement but one that I treat as a surprise for anyone reading this and an accomplishment on my end. As you might have noticed by the title, "At last I have..." done something. Here is what the "something" is:

So, you all know about The Hero's Prophecy Series I am writing, right? Well, as you might also know, I have been working on a website for the series. Well... let's just say I am done. Finally. Done. Okay, take that back, I am not 100% done, yet. I still have to finish a minor quiz, and draw a picture for the ten year old THP hero, Justin. After that, I will have to add that picture then my website will be done. But hey, let's say it is 98% done. Here is the link to the The Hero's Prophecy Series Website which I strongly recommend checking out:

The THP (The Hero's Prophecy) website has quizzes on what character you are, what role in the Prophecy you would have, and other fun quizzes plus information and background stories on each Hero and Creature of Darkness. I also have on there a smaller blog separate to this one where I post things related only to the THP series. On the website, there is a Hero Interview like what I have done here on the blog, FAQ about the website, and I also plan to open up a shop through the website once the series is fully published.

Again, I think you should check out the website and maybe share it with some other people. I put a lot of work into writing everything. I am working on converting all the pictures to ones I draw, but until then, not all of the pictures I made. It would be nice if you left a comment either on this post or on the website (by using "Contact me") to let me know what you think of the website and what I could improve. Thanks for reading this, and keep an eye out for any new posts coming up!

Note: This was, what I would consider the "Surprise Post" for now, but I might come up with something even cooler within the next few days. Well, probably not Saturday-Sunday because I am pretty busy then with Geocaching and we often go to Spokane to shop then which is about 1 and a half hours away. But still keep an eye out for posts those days, just in case.

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