Minecraft Monday is Today!
Hello everyone,
Today I bring you a new Minecraft Monday. It is one of my newest builds done on a server through which I am taking a science/history class related to 5 scientists and their inventions. Every day they set a new Daily Challenge that is optional to complete. Then they randomly draw names to see who (typically 2-4 people) win. Those people get a free pass to their Science camp during the summer done through the server. So, once I figured out about the Daily Challenges, I started doing them. The newest one has been to add on to a giant maze. Giant is not even good enough... it is bigger than giant. So for this Minecraft Monday I am here to show you my part of the maze and some cool things about it.
My maze starts off by breaking away from the main maze. The signs basically say you are entering my part of the maze and to not have /fly activated. I am going to explain the layout and outcomes of my maze in a story-view. The Narrator will be telling your adventure. Enjoy!
To start off, you walk (or run) through the water portal. In your mind, you are jumping around, screaming to the world how fun this will be. You are given three different paths to chose from.
One path is like the Nether with Glowstone walls and ceiling and Nethrack floor. You eye it carefully, and then move on to inspect the next tunnel.
The second path is like a Nether Fortress for it has Nether Brick for the walls and ceiling and Soul Sand for the floor. You instantly remember something a friend told you about this maze. Almost the whole tunnel has Packed Ice below the Soul Sand which makes you go super, super slow. You move on to the third tunnel, not wanting to walk through the stuff.
The third tunnel is pitch black and is made up of Obsidian for the ceiling and walls and Mossy Cobblestone for the floor. The path smells of mildew and the air is bitterly cold.
You decide to take the Nether Path, just to find there is a pressure plate. When you step on it, even if sprinting, a wall appears in front of you not allowing access through the path. Yet, you can still see a tunnel beyond the wall that seems to go in multiple directions.
Taking the Obsidian Cave path, you find a parkour map and torch light. Right away, you slip and fall to the cold ground. But, after getting up again, you find there is a door that lets you restart. After multiple attempts, you finally finish the parkour map just to find... a dead end. You kick the wall - which hurts being that it is made of Obsidian - and exit through the door, backtracking.
You then decide to take the Nether Fortress path and instantly regret it - at first. You drag your feet along as you walk on the Soul Sand/Packed Ice
mix for flooring, having only a few Redstone Torches lighting the way. Then you come to three paths within the Nether Fortress. The one straight ahead is clearly a dead end with a black, closed window. The path to the left seems to be a staircase with a soul sand/packed ice floor again. And to the right, there is sunlight... Sunlight!
You take the right path with the sunlight just to find that at the end, there are metal bars for a roof which lets in the natural light. And of course, it is just a dead end. So you backtrack then take the left path, going extremely slowly up the stairs. That is when you find that jumping and sprinting helps you up quicker. Once you get to the top, you discover a 2x1 hole. You go on your knees and try to look down just to be blinded by Glowstone walls which makes you lose your balance. You tumble into a new tunnel, landing in a small water pit. Looking around, you find that you are now on the other side of the Nether Tunnel - the one with the magically appearing wall!
You run down the tunnel to find a path that splits in two directions and a sign. The sign says that you are now entering the House of Doors part of the maze. The House of Doors starts off with two wooden spruce doors - the kind you cannot see through. One on the right, one on the left. You decide to take the right one but only find a classic dead end. Turning around, you take the left door. To your surprise, you find two sets of double doors. After going through one, you find more and more doors until you finally hit a dead end. Carefully backtracking, you take the other double door set and go through an endless amount of doors. It appears that each door either leads to a dead end or even more doors.
Then you arrive in a somewhat large room with more Spruce Doors and a set of Double Iron Doors with signs that say they are locked. You head through more wooden doors, knowing you must be lost. The shiny gold walls, grass floor, and stone-wall roof is messing with your head now.
Finally, after nearly 5 minutes of struggling, you find the floor changes to Polished Andesite as you head uphill then downhill. Finally, you are in a room with fewer doors and a sign that basically says you have completed the maze. You exit through a set of doors and instantly fall into a giant hole with water at the bottom. Looking around, you spot the random ladders and know you must complete a somewhat-basic parkour to get out to the new door you can see.
You parkour out and open the door. Now you are in a new room with a sign that apologizes for the quick parkour challenge and asks if you really want to leave. If you leave, you can't enter again. Not wanting to do anything with the annoying maze again, you walk through the Iron Door and watch it close behind you. Free. Finally... Finally free.
I hope you enjoyed this story-based Minecraft Monday that goes over the layout of my section of the giant maze. I made all that was explained (and shown) by myself and multiple people have tested it and loved it, but found the House of Doors very difficult. I tried out the whole thing myself, and even got lost in the House of Doors. Below I show a picture of the entire giant maze made by many people on the server (above, left) and a picture of my entire maze (below, right). It is all the colored spots such as the gold, stone, Nether Brick, Stained Glass, and everything besides the Quartz (the white blocks). Also, the Obsidian Cave is there, but it is hard to see because the floor outside the maze is of Obsidian as well.
I hope you all enjoyed this week's Minecraft Monday - The House of Doors. Next week, I should have a new Minecraft Monday, but I am unsure what it will be about. Until then, keep an eye out for any new posts such as the upcoming Portal Into the Past. Thanks for reading this!
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